Best Maisie build 2024, Star Powers, Gadgets, Tips and Tricks | Brawl Stars

Maisie Brawl Stars

Maisie is a Sharpshooter Brawler who was added to Brawl Stars in February 2023. Maisie is a ranged attacker with a slow initial projectile speed, but her shots deal high damage. Maisie’s Super is a cloud of smoke that pushes enemies back and slows them.

Main Stats

Reload Speed1.6 seconds
Projectile Speed700 (initial), 1400 (max)
Range7 tiles

Maisie Star Powers

  • Pinpoint precision – maisie deals 10% extra damage at max range.
  • Tremor – When Maisie uses her Super, enemies are slowed for 2 seconds.

Maisie Gadgets

  • Disengage! – Maisie stuns the enemies in front of her and dashes back stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
  • Finish them – Maisie instantly reloads 1 ammo and increases her next Pressure Rocket damage by 30% of the targets missing hp.

Best Maps For Maisie

  • Hot Zone – Parallel Plays: This map has long sightlines and narrow corridors, which makes it easy for Maisie to land her shots.
  • Brawl Ball – Sneaky Fields: This map has a lot of bushes, which Maisie can use to her advantage to ambush enemies.
  • Gem Grab – Center Stage: This map has a central area that is easy to control with Maisie’s Super.
  • Bounty – Shooting Star: This map has a lot of walls, which Maisie can use to her advantage to protect herself from enemy attacks.
  • Heist – Drill Site: This map has a long central lane, which makes it easy for Maisie to defend the safe from enemies.

Best Combos For Maisie

These are just a few of the best maps for Maisie in Brawl Stars. There are many other maps that she can be effective on, so experiment and find the ones that work best for you.

Maps Tips for playing Maisie

  • Use your long range to your advantage. Maisie’s shots have a long range, so you can use this to your advantage to pick off enemies from a distance.
  • Use your Super to control the map. Maisie’s Super can be used to create a smoke cloud that can obscure vision and slow down enemies. This can be a great way to control the map and make it easier for your team to win.
  • Be careful of enemies with close-range attacks. Maisie is a ranged Brawler, so she can be vulnerable to enemies with close-range attacks. Be sure to keep your distance from these enemies and use your Super or first gadget to escape if necessary.
  • Maisie + Pam: Pam’s Super can heal Maisie and keep her in the fight. This is especially useful when Maisie is using her Super, as she will be more vulnerable to attack.
  • Maisie + Jessie: Jessie’s turret can provide Maisie with additional damage and crowd control. This can be a great way to help Maisie take down enemies, especially those who are hiding behind walls.
  • Maisie + Bo: Bo’s Super can provide Maisie with vision and allow her to land her shots more easily. This is especially useful on maps with a lot of bushes, where Maisie can easily be ambushed.
  • Maisie + Tara: Tara’s Super can pull enemies together, making them easy targets for Maisie’s shots. This can be a great way to take down groups of enemies or to finish off low-health enemies.
  • Maisie + Belle: Belle’s Super can chain enemies together, making them take more damage from Maisie’s shots. This can be a great way to take down tanks or to quickly eliminate enemies.

These are just a few of the best combos with Maisie in Brawl Stars. There are many other Brawlers that can work well with her, so experiment and find the ones that work best for you.

Tips for playing Maisie

  • Stay close to your teammates. This will help you stay safe and make it easier for your teammates to support you.
  • Use your Super to control the map. Maisie’s Super can be used to create a smoke cloud that can obscure vision and slow down enemies. This can be a great way to control the map and make it easier for your team to win.
  • Be careful of enemies with close-range attacks. Maisie is a ranged Brawler, so she can be vulnerable to enemies with close-range attacks. Be sure to keep your distance from these enemies and use your Super to escape if necessary.

Tips and Tricks For Maisie

  • Don’t auto-aim with Maisie. Her slow initial projectile speed makes it very difficult to hit enemies with auto-aim. Instead, manually aim your shots and lead your targets.
  • Use your Super to slow and stun enemies. This will make it easier for you to land your shots and take them down.
  • Prioritize targets that are close to you. Maisie’s shots deal more damage the closer they are to the target.
  • Use your gadgets to create openings. Smoke Bomb can be used to obscure vision and make it easier to land your shots. Stun Grenade can be used to stun enemies and prevent them from escaping.
  • Play to your strengths. Maisie is a ranged attacker, so use your range to your advantage. Stay back and pick off enemies from a distance.

Counters For Maisie

  • Brawlers with high mobility can be difficult to hit with Maisie’s slow projectile speed.
  • Brawlers with area-of-effect attacks can be a threat to Maisie, as they can hit her even if she is behind cover.
  • Brawlers with crowd control can disrupt Maisie’s attacks and make it difficult for her to land her shots.

Maisie Skins



Tech (29 Gems or 1000 Bling)

Tech (29 Gems or 1000 Bling)

Jungle Queen (Brawl Pass Exclusive)

Jungle Queen (Brawl Pass Exclusive)

Maisie Voice Lines

Maisie is voiced by Katie Leung, a British actress who is best known for her role as Cho Chang in the Harry Potter film series.

Leung’s voice for Maisie is a sweet, playful voice that fits the character’s young, innocent personality. She does a good job of conveying Maisie’s sense of humor and her determination to succeed.

Here are some of the voice lines that Maisie says in Brawl Stars:

  • “This is gonna be fun!”
  • “I’m Maisie, and I’m here to play!”
  • “Let’s do this!”
  • “I’m on fire!”
  • “I’m the best!”

Maisie’s voice lines are all very fitting for her character and they help to make her a fun and engaging Brawler to play.