Best Griff build 2024, Star Powers, Gadgets, Tips and Tricks | Brawl Stars

Griff Brawl Stars

Griff is a epic Brawler who was released in January 2022. He is mid range damage dealer who deals damage with his main attack, Money Shot, and his Super, Money Grab.

Star Powers

  • Keep the Change (Level 9): Griff’s basic attack travels faster by 25% (reducing the travel time from 1 to 0.75 seconds).
  • Business Resilience (Level 9): Griff will regain 15% of his missing health every two seconds. The healing will take place even when Griff is attacking or taking damage.


  • Piggy Bank (Level 7): Griff drops a piggy bank that will explode after a 2.5-second delay. It will deal 1,000 damage and knock back all enemies within the blast radius. Obstacles within range will also be destroyed.
  • Coin Shower (Level 7): Once activated, Griff’s next basic attack will launch four waves of coins instead of three.

Which Star Power and Gadget is best for Griff

The best Star Power and Gadget for Griff depends on your playstyle and the mode you are playing.

  • Keep the Change is a good choice if you want to be more aggressive and deal more damage. It allows you to unload your attack faster, which can be helpful for finishing off enemies or taking down objectives.
  • Business Resilience is a good choice if you want to be more defensive and stay alive longer. The healing can help you recover from damage and stay in the fight.
  • Piggy Bank is a good choice if you want to control the map or deal area damage. The piggy bank can be used to block off chokepoints, deal damage to multiple enemies or to break walls.
  • Coin Shower is a good choice if you want to deal more damage or finish off enemies. The extra wave of coins can help you deal more damage to enemies, especially if they are grouped together.

Best maps for Griff include

  • Fortress: This map has long sightlines and chokepoints, which are perfect for Griff’s main attack. His Super can also be used to control the center of the map.
  • Split: This map has a lot of walls, which Griff can use to bounce his coins around corners. His Super can also be used to control the center of the map.
  • Snake Prairie: This map is long and narrow, which makes it easy for Griff to control the center of the map with his Super. His main attack can also be used to easily take out brawlers at close range.
  • Kaboom Canyon: This map has a lot of chokepoints, which are perfect for Griff’s Super. His main attack can also be used to deal damage to enemies who are trying to capture the safe.
  • Ring of Fire: This map has a lot of open space, which allows Griff to use his super to its full potential. His main attack can be used to easily take out opponents that are in the zone

These are just a few of the best maps for Griff. Other maps that may be good for him include Undermine, Dueling Beetles, and Hot Zone – Parallel Plays. Ultimately, the best map for Griff will depend on your playstyle and the mode you are playing.

Griff is a very versatile brawler, so he can be played on a variety of maps. However, he is especially good on maps that have long sightlines and chokepoints, where he can use his main attack to its full potential. His Super can also be used to control the map and deal area damage, which makes him a great choice for Heist and Hot Zone.

Here are some tips and tricks for playing Griff

  • Use your main attack to easily dispatch of opponents at close range. Griff’s main attack deals a lot of damage, especially at close range.  If a brawler tries assassinate you then you can easily kill them with your super aswell if you are low amo.
  • Use your Super to attack multiple enemies at the same time. Griff’s Super is a great way to control the enemies or to just kill them fast.
  • Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with enemies. Griff’s Super can also deal a lot of damage up close. If you are confident in your skills, you can use your Super to finish off enemies who are low on health.
  • Use your Star Power and Gadget wisely. Griff has two Star Powers and two Gadgets, so choose the ones that best suit your playstyle. Keep the Change is a good choice if you want to be more aggressive, while Business Resilience is a good choice if you want to be more defensive. Piggy Bank is a good choice if you want to control the map, while Coin Shower is a good choice if you want to deal more damage.

Here are some additional tips

  • Use your Super to deal area damage. Griff’s Super can deal a lot of area damage, so you can use it to clear out groups of enemies or to defend yourself from multiple opponents
  • Be careful of long-range brawlers. Griff is not very good at long-range combat, so you should be careful of long-range brawlers like piper and bea. But griff can hold his own again tanks like Bull and Darryl. Or assassins like edgar. Just be sure you have enough amo to take them out.

Skins Griff



High Score (79 Gems)

High Score (79 Gems)

Sleigher (149 Gems)

Sleigher (149 Gems)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

Griff Voice Lines

Griff is voiced by Conrad Haynes in Brawl Stars. Haynes is also known for voicing the characters of Eon and Scorp in the video game Paladins, as well as the character of Deimos in the video game Lawbreakers.

Haynes’s voice for Griff is a smooth and confident one that fits the character’s personality well. He delivers Griff’s lines with a touch of humor and sarcasm, which makes him a fun and engaging character to play.

Here are some of the lines that Griff says in Brawl Stars:

  • “Welcome to the Griff show!”
  • “Time to make some money!”
  • “I’m the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn’t pretty.”
  • “I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to make money.”
  • “Let’s get this party started!”