Best Fang build 2024, Star Powers, Gadgets, Tips and Tricks | Brawl Stars

Fang Brawl Stars

Fang, the energetic luchador, has burst onto the Brawl Stars scene with his dynamic kicks and explosive Super. His unique playstyle offers high skill potential and rewarding gameplay, but mastering him requires understanding his strengths, weaknesses, and optimal strategies. This guide will delve deep into Fang’s arsenal, exploring the best builds, maps, teammates, and tactics to unleash his inner champion.

Main Stats

StatPower Level 11
Damage2720 (680 with the shoe hitbox)
Range3 tiles (9 tiles with the shoe hitbox)
Reload Speed3 seconds
Super Charge Rate25% per attack hit

Fang Hypercharge

Dragon kick: Fang’s super now goes through walls leaving behind popcorn dealing 1088. This hypercharge makes Fang’s Super fantastic for assassinating enemy brawlers. With the stat boosts that the hypercharge gives (which is in this case 25%, speed 20% attack and 15% defense) the hypercharge makes Fang’s super and Fang himself way stronger. Making matchups that used to be bad for Fang very easy. And makes Fang an absolute beast on the field.

Star Powers

  • Fresh Kicks: Gain a Super charge boost upon killing an enemy with your Super. This star power synergizes perfectly with Fang’s aggressive playstyle, allowing you to chain Supers and dominate the battlefield.
  • Devine soles: reduce 688 damage from the next incoming hit every 3 seconds. It can block up to 90% of the damage. This star power shines in modes like Heist and Knockout, where survival is even more important.


  • Roundhouse Kick: Stuns nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds upon using your Super. This gadget helps secure eliminations and control key areas, making it an excellent choice for aggressive plays.
  • Cornfu: this gadget throws Popcorn on the field around where fang is standing. Covering a very large surface with popcorn. The popcorn deals 1088 damage. And is ideal to blocking certain areas so enemies can’t come close.

Best Maps

  • Knockout: Fang thrives in close-quarters maps like Belle’s Rock, utilizing his Super to disrupt enemy pushes and secure eliminations. His high burst damage and ability to bounce around corners make him a nightmare for unsuspecting opponents.
  • Duo Showdown: The super regain  from Fresh Kicks shines in maps like Forsaken Falls. Where fang can defeat an entire team with his and then regain his super. With enough Power Cubes, Fang transforms into a late-game beast, capable of decimating entire teams.
  • Gem Grab: devine soles and cornfu work wonders on maps like Double Swoosh. Fang’s mobility and area control with his gadget become invaluable assets, allowing him to protect the gem carrier and secure victories or just to make it so enemies can’t grab gems.

Fang Best Teammates

  • Tanks: Brawlers like Bull, Frank, and Rosa benefit from Fang’s ability to draw aggrow and deal heavy damage. His Super can break enemy formations and create openings for tanks to push forward.
  • Sharpshooters: Pairing Fang with Brock or Piper creates pressure points, forcing enemies to stay under constant threat. His ability to close the gap quickly makes him an ideal protector for long-range brawlers.
  • Other Healers: Pam or Poco boost the team’s overall HP pool, creating an impregnable fortress. Fang’s healing potential combined with their abilities can turn the tide of battle.

Tips and Tricks

  • Play Aggressively: Don’t be afraid to try and get your super quicky. You dont have to hit your close up hit to charge your super the shoe hit charges your super just as much as your close up attack would do. When you have your super you can then push forward, relying on Fresh Kicks and Roundhouse kick to secure a kill. Utilize your Super strategically to initiate fights, break pushes, and secure last hits.
  • Master the super and attacks: Practice Fang’s super so you can hit it easily and secure a kill. This maneuver allows for a big advantage for your team.
  • Gadget Selection: Adapt your Gadget choice based on the map and mode. Roundhouse Kick excels in aggressive plays, while corn-fu shines in situations like stopping enemies from getting a zone in hot zone or grabbing gems in gem grab.


  • Long-range Brawlers: Brock and Piper can harass Fang from afar, making it difficult to close the gap and deal damage. Stay behind cover and utilize your shoe hitbox to create opportunities for close-quarters confrontations.
  • Tanks: it will be difficult for fang to kill high hp and high damage brawlers since he doesn’t do enough damage to defeat tanks in 3 hits and a super. (With the hypercharge this can change)

Fang Skins


Octo (79 Gems or 2750 Bling)

Octo (79 Gems or 2750 Bling)

Kabocha (149 Gems or 5000 Bling)

Kabocha (149 Gems or 5000 Bling)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

Furious (Brawl Pass Exclusive)

Furious (Brawl Pass Exclusive)

Fang voice Lines

  • “Hahaha, wanna fight the Fang?”
  • “No one defeats the Fang!”
  • “Fang it!”
  • “Fangtastic!”
  • “Enjoy it while you can…”
  • Fang shouts
  • “The heat is on!”