In this article, I have highlighted key points on how to become a Brawl Stars pro player.
1. Movement control
Movement is the biggest problem for many players cause most of us don’t know how to do simple movements like dodge shots, throw the ball in the goal post, or sneak behind the walls, and the main reason behind this, is that players don’t use the movement joystick properly, they focus on aiming but they forget to focus on movements. So try to focus on movement and see how your win rate will improve, to practice I recommend playing brawl ball in friendly matches. Try everything that is related to movement like dodging enemy shots, and scoring 🙂 and sneaking behind walls so that you can have element of surprise.
2. Aiming
Aiming is the biggest factor in almost all games as long as the game is about shooting something or a fellow player for you to win. Many people think that auto-aiming is only good for noobs, and is not so-called noobs should only use manual aiming, I agree, but not every time, recently Bobby BS a Brawl Stars pro player confirmed this.
Auto-aiming is good, it just depends on how you use it, for example when you are near the heist and you need damage within a second, it can be hard to aim manually but it is easy to auto-aim, something in Siege Ikea, bot hits you when you are in the enemy Ikea area, low health brawlers like Crow or Dynamike can barely get out of the area without dying, but they are great when it comes to massive damage, so auto-aiming can be a great idea in such situations.
Note: This doesn’t mean that you start using auto-aim everywhere, just look for the scene and then decide to auto-aim or manual aim.

3. Strategy
Having and executing a good strategy is the first step to becoming a Brawl Stars pro player. A good strategy can be really helpful in-game modes like power league or any challenge. The first thing you have to do for you to come up with a good strategy is to select a map and then select a good brawler for that map.
4. Watch Content Creators:
If you want to learn how to select the best brawler for a specific map, the simplest way is to watch content creators. This is the best way of learning and becoming a Brawl Stars pro payer in brawl stars, watching content creators not only helps in selecting brawlers but also helps you understand the meta, ie which brawler is overpowered and which brawler is underpowered.
5. Lane control
Many players tend to clump together like particles in a solid when playing, this is an idiotic plan, don’t do that. Study your friends and find yourself a lane that will be comfortable for you or good for your brawler.
6. Listen to your heart
My last point is about you and how you are supposed to listen to yourself. Sometimes you have to learn how to shut what the brawl stars community is saying, on which brawler is good or bad for whatever map they are talking about. My advice to you is to use brawlers that you are comfortable with. For example, In the Shooting Star map, I feel more comfortable with Byron than Piper, so I always go for Byron, although sometimes I go for brawlers like 8-Bit or Penny.