Everything that Makes Buzz the new Chromatic Brawler, Buzz!

Hey archivers, I hope you are all doing great. In today’s article we are going to talk about sneak peek 2 from Brawl Stars, so without any further delay let’s jump right into it.

Basically, we are going to talk about some in-depth details of a new chromatic Brawler, Buzz, I will try to share more on him and some of his abilities, and tips and tricks on how to use him.

Buzz overview:

Buzz is the newest chromatic brawler and will be available in brawl pass, Season 7 and the rarity on season 7 will be legendary. And after every season his rarity will drop and end up being an epic brawler.

Buzz basics

Normal attack:

Buzz attacks like El Primo except that his punches move in a clockwise position. Like Bo’s attack, Buzz has a range in which he can charge his super.

Buzz Super:

Buzz super is pretty similar to Gene or you can say he is the reverse of Gene, Gene pulls Brawlers towards him, while Buzz moves towards the other brawler or walls with whom he throws his super, and can also stuns nearby enemy. His stun depends on how far or close the enemy is.

Buzz Gadget:

Buzz will instantly charge his super with his gadget, but he cannot stun his targets when is super has been charged with his gadget.

Buzz Star Power:

His first star power let’s you stun enemies with a longer duration. While his second gadget increases the range of the area of supercharging.

Best Game Modes For Buzz

Buzz will be a really good brawler in Brawl Ball since he can charge his super with his gadget and also with a circle area.

Other modes he can be great in are Volley Brawl, Basket Brawl, Present Plunder or Steal The Trophy.


So what about maps? I think he will be a good brawler in maps where there is a lot of bushes since his super get charged, and he can easily attack a nearby target.

Best Brawler

Buzz falls in the category of assassins, his health is pretty good, but since he is a close-range brawler so he needs someone who can heal him like Byron, Poco, or Pam.


Last but not least so far he doesn’t look like he is overpowered or underpowered, but we can’t conclude fast until we get our hands on him.

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