Best Khaleed build 2024 | Emblems, Items, Strategy | Mobile Legends

Khaleed mobile legends build

As a dedicated Mobile Legends enthusiast, I continually update my builds and guides to provide you with the best strategies for mastering the game. Let’s explore how to craft the optimal Khaleed build for the current meta, along with insights into Khaleed’s abilities, items, emblems, and gameplay tactics.


SpecialtyDamage (Specialty)
Hero TierB
Movement SPD250
Physical Attack109
Magic Power0
Physical Defense23
Magical Defense10
Attack Speed0.884
Hp Regen7
Mana Regen3

Khaleed Spells Build

Select spells to complement Khaleed’s abilities:

  • Execute
  • Flicker
  • Petrify

Khaleed Items Build

Equip Khaleed with potent items to enhance his strength and secure victories:

Sustained DPS

  • Blade of the Heptaseas
  • Warrior Boots
  • Bloodlust Axe
  • War Axe
  • Oracle
  • Immortality


  • Blade of the Heptaseas
  • Warrior Boots
  • Bloodlust Axe
  • Blade of Despair
  • Queen’s Wings
  • Hunter Strike


  • War Axe
  • Warrior Boots
  • Brute Force Breastplate
  • Immortality
  • Queen’s Wings
  • Oracle

Pro Build (Recommended)

  • Warrior Boots
  • Blade of the Heptaseas
  • Bloodlust Axe
  • Malefic Roar
  • Queen’s Wings
  • Oracle

Khaleed Emblems Build

Choose emblems to complement Khaleed’s playstyle and attributes:

Assassin Emblems Set:

  • Adaptive Penetration: +16
  • Adaptive Attack: +10
  • Movement Speed: +3%

Tank Emblems Set:

  • HP: +500
  • Hybrid Defense: +10
  • HP Regen: 4

Khaleed Skill Order

Maximize Khaleed’s potential with the ideal skill sequence: Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2

Khaleed Combo

Execute devastating combos with Khaleed:

  • Combo 1: AA -> Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 3 -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA
  • Combo 2: AA -> Skill 3 -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA
  • Combo 3: Skill 3 -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA
  • Combo 4: Passive -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 1

Khaleed Pros & Cons


  • Very strong in early games
  • High mobility
  • High burst damage
  • Excellent initiator skill
  • High HP regen
  • Disruptive crowd control


  • Low durability
  • Weak in late games
  • Requires aggressive playstyle
  • Dependent on spell vamp item

Khaleed’s Rival & Teammates

Strong against:

Weak against:

Khaleed Play Strategy

Employ effective strategies to dominate with Khaleed:

  • Focus on farming and experience in the early game.
  • Utilize Khaleed’s mobility and burst damage for aggressive plays.
  • Coordinate with teammates to secure objectives and team fights.

Khaleed Skills

  • Passive: Sand Walk
  • Skill 1: Desert Tornado
  • Skill 2: Quicksand Guard
  • Skill 3: Raging Sandstorm


With the right build, strategy, and execution, Khaleed can be a formidable force on the battlefield of Mobile Legends. Master his abilities, adapt to the situation, and lead your team to victory with Khaleed’s versatile skills and relentless damage.