Best Jawhead build 2024 | Emblems, Items, Strategy | Mobile Legends


I work hard to keep my Mobile Legends builds and guides updated to help you craft the best Jawhead build for the current meta. Learn more about Jawhead’s abilities, items, emblems, and strategy below.

Jawhead Overview

Price32,000 Gold or 599 Diamonds
SpecialtyCharge, Burst
LaneEXP, Jungle
Hero TierA
Movement SPD255
Physical Attack119
Physical Defense24
Magic Power0
Magical Defense10
Attack Speed0.9
HP Regen7.8
Mana Regen3.2

Jawhead Spells Build

Spells are something you can utilize in-game to give Jawhead an extra advantage.

  • Flicker
  • Retribution

Jawhead Items Build

You need to get the strongest items for Jawhead to make him more powerful and ensure easier wins.

Sustained DPS Build:

  • War Axe
  • Tough Boots
  • Endless Battle
  • Hunter Strike
  • Blade of Despair
  • Immortality

Burst Build:

  • Blade of the Heptaseas
  • Tough Boots
  • War Axe
  • Blade of Despair
  • Malefic Roar
  • Queen’s Wings

Team Buff Build:

  • Dominance Ice
  • Tough Boots – Encourage
  • Athena’s Shield
  • Antique Cuirass
  • Immortality
  • Oracle
  • Ice Hunter’s Tough Boots
  • Hunter Strike
  • Malefic Roar
  • Blade of Despair
  • Rose Gold Meteor
  • Immortality

Effects Items Build:

EffectsRecommended Items
Physical AttackEndless Battle, Hunter Strike, Blade of Despair, Blade of the Heptaseas, War Axe, Malefic Roar
Magic DefenseAthena’s Shield, Oracle, Rose Gold Meteor
LifestealEndless Battle, Rose Gold Meteor
CD ReductionWar Axe, Endless Battle, Hunter Strike, Queen’s Wings, Oracle
Movement SpeedTough Boots, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair, Dominance Ice
HPWar Axe, Endless Battle, Blade of the Heptaseas, Queen’s Wings, Athena’s Shield, Antique Cuirass
Mana RegenEndless Battle
Physical PenetrationMalefic Roar
HP RegenImmortality, Athena’s Shield, Antique Cuirass
Physical DefenseImmortality, Dominance Ice, Antique Cuirass
Spell VampQueen’s Wings
ManaDominance Ice

Jawhead Emblems Build

Emblems enhance Jawhead with effects and bonus attributes.

Fighter Emblems Set:

  • Spell Vamp: +10%
  • Adaptive Attack: +22
  • Hybrid Defense: +6

Assassin Emblems Set:

  • Adaptive Penetration: +16
  • Adaptive Attack: +10
  • Movement Speed: +3%

Jawhead Skill Order

  • Skill Order: Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2
Passive – Mecha SuppressionBuff; increases Basic Attack damage by up to 80%
Skill 1 – Smart MissilesBurst; fires up to 12 missiles dealing physical damage
Skill 2 – EjectorShield, CC; throws targets and stuns them
Skill 3 – Unstoppable ForceBlink, CC; charges at an enemy and stuns them

Jawhead Combo

These are the basic combos for Jawhead:

  1. Combo 1: Skill 2 -> Flicker -> Skill 3 -> Blade of the Heptaseas
  2. Combo 2: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Flicker -> Skill 3 -> AA
  3. Combo 3: Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2

Jawhead Pros & Cons

+ Very good passive– Teammate reliant
+ Good mobility– Difficult to play
+ Good crowd control
+ Can tank damage

Jawhead’s Rivals & Teammates

Strong against:

Weak against:

Works best with:

Jawhead Play Strategy

Jawhead is a fighter with great crowd control and good mobility. You can use Jawhead in both the EXP lane and the Jungle.


  • Flicker for EXP lane
  • Retribution for Jungle



  • Endless Battle, Hunter Strike, Blade of Despair, Blade of the Heptaseas, Malefic Roar, War Axe


  • Immortality, Queen’s Wings, Dominance Ice, Athena’s Shield, Antique Cuirass, Oracle


  • Tough Boots

Build Recommendations:

  • Sustained DPS: War Axe, Tough Boots, Endless Battle, Hunter Strike, Blade of Despair, Immortality
  • Burst: Blade of the Heptaseas, Tough Boots, War Axe, Blade of Despair, Malefic Roar, Queen’s Wings
  • Team Buff: Dominance Ice, Tough Boots – Encourage, Athena’s Shield, Antique Cuirass, Immortality, Oracle
  • Pro Build: Ice Hunter’s Tough Boots, Hunter Strike, Malefic Roar, Blade of Despair, Rose Gold Meteor, Immortality


  • Fighter: Spell Vamp, Adaptive Attack, Hybrid Defense
  • Assassin: Adaptive Penetration, Adaptive Attack, Movement Speed

Lane Priority:

  • EXP Lane: ✔
  • Jungle: ✔

How to Play Jawhead

Early Game (Level 1-7):

  • Focus on farming and leveling up. Harass enemies with Skill 1 (Smart Missiles).

Mid Game (Level 8-12):

  • Use Skill 3 (Unstoppable Force) to roam and gank other lanes. Skill 2 (Ejector) can be used to throw enemies into your turret or reset jungle buffs.

Late Game (Level 13+):

  • Initiate team fights, protect your carries, and soak up damage for your team.

Jawhead Skills

Passive – Mecha Suppression: Increases Basic Attack damage with each stack of Compression (up to 80%).

Skill 1 – Smart Missiles: Launches 12 missiles, dealing physical damage to random targets.

Skill 2 – Ejector: Increases movement speed and grants a shield. Jawhead can throw enemies or allies and stun nearby opponents.

Skill 3 – Unstoppable Force: Charges towards an enemy, dealing damage and stunning them, while also knocking back nearby enemies.

This concludes the guide on the best Jawhead build for Mobile Legends 2024. Apply these strategies, items, and skills to dominate the battlefield with Jawhead!